In collaboration with the SOLARTECH project (ALT20 03 0246 FEDER 000053), researchers from the ALFR-Alentejo project will hold a workshop dedicated ...view more
The researcher Diogo Canavarro, responsible for coordination of the ALFR-Alentejo project, participated in the Podcast "UÉ com Ciência" recently ...view more
On the 30th of August, the first experimental tests of the ALFR collector took place on the solar concentrator testing platform (PECS). The collect ...view more
The ALFR-Alentejo project started its experimental activity with the installation of an ALFR collector module (Advanced Linear Fresnel Reflector) o ...view more
The Renewable Energies Chair - University of Évora (CER-UÉ, Portuguese acronym) researchers André V. Sa ...view more
Diogo Canavarro, researcher at the Renewable Energies Chair - University of Évora (CER-UÉ, Portuguse acr ...view more
Researchers from the Renewable Energies Chair - University of Évora (CER-UÉ, Portuguese acronym) published the article “ALFR-Alentejo: Experime ...view more
The ALFR-Alentejo project (Installation, testing and analysis of an Advanced Linear Fresnel Reflector concentrator to produce electricity by means ...view more
The ALFR-Alentejo project (SAICT-45-2018-02, contract Nr. 039487), promoted by the Renewable Energies Chair – University of Évora (CER-UÉ, Port ...view more
The logo of the ALFR-Alentejo project (Installation, testing and analysis of an Advanced Linear Fresnel Re ...view more